From raw idea to scalable product

We accompany and guide our clients throughout the project development process. We start from consulting, detecting needs and defining the application of solutions. We carry out technological development from start to finish and support the creation of valuable technological solutions.

Step 1


We analyze the starting point of your current situation. We locate needs, determine objectives and plan solutions. We create a final report guide as a project roadmap.

Step 2


We design projects by providing solutions from the perspective of the objectives to be achieved, the optimization of resources and business needs.

Step 3


Technological development under continuous integration in an agile environment by engineers fully committed to the project and its ideas.

Step 4


Test & Quality process that guarantees that the project meets the planned objectives as an efficient and quality solution.

Step 5


The start of a long relationship. We are here, by your side, to find the best solution, to adapt to changes and optimize the developed project.

Serving Top Web3 Product Verticals

Our well curated Portfolio

a fully immersive, Play-To-Earn game Ecosystem


Xara City is a Blockchain Ecosystem; consisting of NFTs, a Staking Platform, In-Game Token, Play-To-Earn Game, Metaverse and NFT Marketplace with an Exchange Tool. Here a Real Estate themed NFT's can be purchased, thereby rewarding the Xara City Real Estate Owner with XARA when their NFTs are staked and upgraded to virtual apartments which they can also later rent out to earn more XARA from potential tenants.


Your dedicated
technology partner

We have an experienced and highly qualified core team that has worked on more than 380 successful projects in various technologies in a wide variety of verticals in custom development. We pay attention to all the new technological trends that appear and try to incorporate those that may be of interest to our projects.






years of experience

Experienced Professionals

FewerClicks core team have experience and knowledge working with Fortune 500 companies in likes of Reliance Industries & Aditya Birla Group.

Personal Care

Every single project is not just a project but a partnership. Our founders focus on hand holding clients and provide a personal care to their problems, guiding them to a feasible solution.

Core Competency

We specialize in crowds-ourcing platforms, smart city solutions, healthcare IT, on-demand and e-commerce applications.

Flexible Working Hours

We are available even in unconventional hours in different time zones. We also provide a free project coordinator with dedicated resources.






years of experience

Experienced Professionals

FewerClicks core team have experience and knowledge working with Fortune 500 companies in likes of Reliance Industries & Aditya Birla Group.

Personal Care

Every single project is not just a project but a partnership. Our founders focus on hand holding clients and provide a personal care to their problems, guiding them to a feasible solution.

Core Competency

We specialize in crowds-ourcing platforms, smart city solutions, healthcare IT, on-demand and e-commerce applications.

Flexible Working Hours

We are available even in unconventional hours in different time zones. We also provide a free project coordinator with dedicated resources.

Cutting-edge Strategies

Our cutting edge strategies enable us to deliver the breakthrough innovations and world class services within the provided deadlines and at reasonable costs.

Agile Methodology

Our well defined process works in parallel to agile model allowing near perfect customer experience.

Secured and Confidential

We understand the importance of the data security hence each and every member working on your project is abide by NDA. Your data remains in safe hands.

Quality Assurance

Our QA team constantly update their use cases so we can eliminate even the smallest of bugs. We try our best to deliver bug free solutions.

Let's turn your vision into a success story through innovative solutions. Get in touch now!

Trusted by leading
brands worldwide

We don't build clientele,
we build relationships.

Talk to us
Blockchain Development Company

Best Web3 Development Agency

Automate manual tasks to free your teams for high-impact initiatives

You can see real results you'll love without stretching your budget or resources.

Start brainstorming on next-gen tech from first call.

Get your MVP delivered in just 4 weeks.


Augments your offshore team in just 1 week.


Success Stories

The FewerClicks team love challenges. We have extensive experience and ability to respond to any challenge, involved with results and committed to the client. The success of our projects is key, not as an objective but as a result of doing our job well.

How refreshing to find a contractor who actually delivers on their promises. The POC that was requested was not only delivered in a timely manner, but it was exactly what I was looking for, at a reasonable price. FC complied with all my various requests, and was transparent along the way. I look forward to working together again!

Drew Cohen
Testimonial runur

I have been working with FewerClicks team on several different projects over the past few months, they are highly motivated team with a serious work ethic. I am impressed with the way they handles high pressure situations and the way they manages and motivates the team. I do look forward to continuing working with the team on several future projects.

Maria Fatima

I can definitely say that their works lived up to my expectations with regards to timeliness and quality. They are constantly responsive and follows up to make sure the projects are completed on time. They understands that business relationships are more than just delivering the requirement, as they makes sure to build trust and empathy in their dealing while being completely professional.

Abdul Rahimi

FewerClicks team have given tenacious attention to providing a superior result and are always open to discussing suggestions. I am happy with the decision that I made to allow the team to work on my site. If you are looking for any web-based services or solutions, please look into what they is providing. You will not be disappointed.

Harold Rose

They are very professional and dedicated to their work. Unique approach they have includes human values combined with instant problem solving attitude. That makes them highly reliable partner and team who will get the project going, give realistic feedback and deliver all instances of the project by agreed timetable.

Mirko Kikovic

FewerClicks came in very handy when we were going through some transitions at web development, this team stepped in to help us on some key projects. We really appreciated their personal follow through with me as the client. I would recommend them if you are looking for a team to help with your backend web development needs.

Ryan Scott

Let's Talk

We’re excited to hear about your web3 project. Schedule a call today and Connect with our experts. We respect your privacy and Never share your details with anyone. Let's build together.